Monster Leech swallows giant Worm just like Spaghetti

It's Leech versus Worm! Have you seen a huge red monster Leech that swallows a giant worm that's almost the same of its own size (or maybe bigger)? This may distress most of you but it will amaze you how life inside a tropical forest works.

This video is a part of BBC's documentary series entitled "Wonders of the Monsoon", the footage was shot in Borneo's Mount Kinabalu.

 A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video.

The Leech has spotted its food! It's a worm, that is almost the same size as its body. First, it explores the body of its prey to find the end and then to start devouring it just like a yummy pasta. It uses its muscular throat to crash the Worm's body.

The poor Worm tried to fight off, unfortunately there's no chance of escaping the the powerful Leech.

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