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Here are 10 Funny Commercials from Thailand

Thailand has always been known to create original, clever, and most especially, they are always on point when it comes to their advertisements.

The following commercial ads are considered as short films but it's really hilarious you would not mind watching them over and over again! Prepare your funny bones for a tickling video.

A hilarious and effective commercial from Wacoal mood boost up bra.
A hilarious and effective commercial from Wacoal mood boost up bra.

Funny, entertaining commercials from Thailand are simply the "best"

The "Anti-Rape" Security Pants for woman. Instead of using the usual mace, blades or other things you could put in your purse to protect yourself from any possible attacker, a Thailand company has allegedly made an underwear for woman which will create an illusion that they have a penis. Obviously, nothing can turn off a rapist more than noticing the possibility that the woman can be a man! They even made a weird commercial after it which you can check out below.

The Security Officers, monitoring the CCTV footages.
The Security Officers, monitoring the CCTV footages.

Another very hilarious commercial from the Thai lingerie brand Wacoal which introduces the mood boost-up bra. They came up with a very brilliant new campaign to show it off! Well, imagine if a flat chested man can have some cleavage from this bra, what can it do with a woman who are, as some say, D-cup-challenged woman?

There was also a commercial where they are advertising the Thailand Yellow pages. At first, you'll think it was a lovely story between a couple but it ends up to be a really hilarious one! A woman was saved by man from an accident. When the woman woke up in the hospital, the man was not there. So she used the Thailand Yellow pages to look for him, and when she did, the atmosphere was so romantic you will never expect the twist that will happen!

A great twist from the funny commercial introducing Thailand Yellow pages
A great twist from the funny commercial introducing Thailand Yellow pages.

Thailand is truly impressive in creating such commercial ads. Here, we'll share you MORE of the most hilarious and entertaining commercials from Thailand.

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