New Dragon Ball Z Live Action Series

There's a new live action adaptation of the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z. Robot Underdog's series is about "The History of Trunks" wherein Goku and the others are dead.

Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope story focuses on Gohan and Trunks' battle against the Androids #17 and #18 while saving human lives.

The young Trunks and his mentor Son Gohan
The young Trunks and his mentor Son Gohan

Scroll down for video.

Trunks must train harder and learn more fighting skills in order to help Gohan on their battle versus the Androids. But the enemies are unstoppable, how will they survive and can they find the light of hope?

The Characters

Anton Bex as Gohan and Jack Wald as Trunks
Anton Bex as Gohan and Jack Wald as Trunks

Ruthann Thompson as Bulma, the mother of Trunks
Ruthann Thompson as Bulma, the mother of Trunks

Tyler Tackett as Android 17 and Amy Johnston as Android 18
Tyler Tackett as Android 17 and Amy Johnston as Android 18

Gohan versus Android 17
Gohan versus Android 17

The epic Saiyan transformation of Gohan
The epic Saiyan transformation of Gohan

Robot Underdog

The small team behind this new live action series is a group of talented individuals who loves making awesome things.

Here's a part of their message on the DBZ: Light of Hope Pilot video page:
"Our goal is to bring the Dragon Ball world to life in a way that's never been done before, while staying true to the characters and story. We want to use this episode as leverage to make more episodes for this web series and other projects."

Video by RobotUnderdog2 on YouTube

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