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Destructive tornado touches down near Intramuros in Manila

Because of the continuous rain for the past 5 days brought by the southwest monsoon; flooding, thunderstorms and whirlwinds devastated the Philippines.

A low pressure area near Batanes and a tropical storm outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility enhances the rains and winds.

 A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video.

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Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 4:40 PM, a video of a destructive tornado passing by a street near the walled city of Intramuros, Manila quickly became viral. The tornado destroyed some houses and light posts leaving the area with no electricity.

The strong funnel of wind was accompanied by lightning and thunder according to the residents. Here are some other footage of the destructive tornado that dances on the streets of Manila.

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Video by Paulo Domingo on Facebook
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