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Popular Vendor demonstrates how to make a Melon Smoothie

When we travel and explore different places, whether out of town or out of the country, we make sure we try their cuisines and delicacies or enjoy their night market and street food.

On this video by RED FOOD on YouTube, they discovered a "Dessert Drink Street Food" Girl that captured not only her real-life customers, but also her online fans.

 A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video.

Tagged as the "Hottest Street Food Vendor" by the Netizens

They called her an "Angel" because she works hard to help her Mother run their small street food and drinks business in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Some comments include:
She seriously........seriously needs to go some kind of audition for becoming model or actress somewhere in BKK. She doesn't belong there.

she's really pretty

And of course, for her fans and future fans... here's her official Instagram account.

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