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Teenager didn't know she was pregnant until she complains of stomach ache

What would you do if you suddenly gave birth without knowing that you were pregnant? That's what happened to a teenage girl who complains of severe stomach ache and was rushed to the hospital.

A video uploaded by Discovery Life on YouTube, a story from "Untold Stories of The ER" reenacts a real-life scenario wherein a girl named Amber gave birth and she didn't even know that she's pregnant.

The teenager in the emergency room
The teenager in the emergency room

Dr. Kathleen Clem helped Amber to deliver her first baby, she said that the patient was complaining of a stomach ache that's why she was rushed to the Hospital's Emergency Room.

So I was in a bit of a shock. Here she is... a baby is coming out of her, there is the head... and she doesn't even know she's pregnant! But I don't have time for questions right now, I have a baby to deliver.
said by Kathleen Clem, MD, Emergency Physician

The father of the patient quickly ran to her daughter after hearing a loud crying of a baby. He was in complete shock because of the baby girl and at the same time angry because of her daughter. He asked his daughter why she didn't tell the whole family that she's pregnant. And her daughter answered,
I wasn't pregnant. I couldn't be...

A bit confusing? To clear things up, Doctor Clem talked to the boyfriend of the teenage mom, but the young man is also in shock. Watch the boyfriend's shocking explanation about his girlfriend's pregnancy on the video.

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