Snake with "spider-like" tail hunts for food

Most people are afraid of spiders and some are afraid of snakes. What if these two joined forces in hunting for food. But one of them is just an illusion.

A clever species of viper has a spider-like tail. It mimics how a spider moves and wait for its prey to catch the bait.

The snake stays on one place and starts to move its tail like a Spider.
The snake stays on one place and starts to move its tail like a Spider.

Snake acts like Spider to catch Bird

Photo by Wikipedia
Photo by Wikipedia

The spider-tailed horned viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides) is an endemic to Iran and has a spider-like tail tip.

The spider-like tails of the viper.
The spider-like tails of the viper.

On this video, the viper is doing his spider illusion to catch a bird. The snake's talent is so precise, that the bird didn't notice that the spider-like figure is fake and the snake is beside it.

What can you say about this snake's amazing talent?

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