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Teacher destroys ringing cellphone during class

Using a cellphone during a class is not good especially when it's not on silent mode. It can distract your classmates and make your teacher angry.

On this video, a student's phone rings, the professor got mad and destroys the unit in a very creative way. How the lecturer eliminates the phone will surely amaze you.

The teacher grabs the cellphone from his student.
The teacher grabs the cellphone from his student.

What really happened

While talking in front of the class for his lecture, this awesome teacher was distracted by a loud ringing of a cellphone.

He approached the owner of the device and grabbed it. He pulled out something from his back and shoot the man's mobile phone.

He destroyed the phone completely without leaving any trace of it. Some people cannot contain their anger.

What can you say about this teacher's way of destroying things?

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