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Student doing Beatbox while playing Harmonica amazes his classmates

Playing a musical instrument like harmonica is a talent that requires determination and patience in order to master playing it, but what if you can play the harmonica and do beat boxing at the same time?

That will be a very impressive display of talents, in the video a male student in a math classroom showcases his masterpiece in the middle of the class.

The star of the day, Gabrielo Diaz.
The star of the day, Gabrielo Diaz.

His name is Gabrielo Diaz from Montreal, Canada. At first he's just playing his harmonica while his classmates are busy studying, then he suddenly unleash his beat-box at the same time playing harmonica.

Their teacher seems to allow him to showcase his talent during a quick break.
Their teacher seems to allow him to showcase his talent during a quick break.

The girl on his back is certainly enjoying the tune, while the other students were amazed and start noticing him performing. Considering their math teacher is there in the front, his teacher seems to be tolerable of his act and don’t mind him at all, but why?

The talented dude smiles at the camera after the epic performance.
The talented dude smiles at the camera after the epic performance.

He said his teacher used to send him out of the classroom because of playing harmonica with his class, but he continued playing outside of it. His teacher has to bring him back to the class because he causes distractions in other classes, then his teacher got used to it and let him entertain the class.

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