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Introducing Laptop with no Keyboard

Is technology moving too fast today? Everything is starting to follow the touchscreen and keyboard-less trends of major tech companies.

On this video, new Macbook laptop evolved into something revolutionary, innovating and unique. The first keyboard-less laptop of the 20th century that will make typing a "thing in the past."

A demo of the amazing new computer.
A demo of the amazing new computer.

Scroll down for video.

No Keyboards at all!

The wheel that changes the style of typing.
The wheel that changes the style of typing.
The new Macbook Wheel replaces the traditional keyboard with a sleek, touch-sensitive iPod-style click wheel.

The super thin laptop with a price tag of $2,599 for an 8GB package and upgradable to 40 GB ($9,960). It also includes the newest and most powerful battery for laptops, the Hummingbird Battery. Which can power your laptop for almost 20 minutes without charge. Plus a 13.3 inch blacklit LED screen.

The computer is virtually unbreakable unless dropped or hit.
"Everything is just a few hundred clicks away..."
Brian Gilman, Senior Product Innovator

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