Truck washed away during heavy flood

Extreme weather conditions are normal nowadays, whether it's too much drought or strong winds and torrential rains.

Sometimes in summer season there are sudden thunderstorms and on the rainy season, sometime there are no rains. These are abnormal weather patterns caused by Global Warming.

An amateur video of a truck trying to cross a strong current of flood.
An amateur video of a truck trying to cross a strong current of flood.

Truck driver engulfed by a massive flood in China

A video of a massive flood in China became viral, not because of the flooding but because of an accident that happened to a truck that tried to cross the strong currents of the flood.

The road looks like a river with a very strong current, there are some people and vehicles on the higher side of the road. Then the truck decided to cross the raging waters.

At first, the truck's path is steady and it seems like it will reach the other side of the road in a small amount of time. But as it reaches the part of the road where there's a drifted part of a tree, the truck started to lose its balance.

The truck driver bravely cross the river-like flow of water.
The truck driver bravely cross the river-like flow of water.

The multi-wheeled truck was quickly engulfed by the water, most of its part were submerged and left the driver's place visible above the water. Then it slowly sink into the bottom of the flood.

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