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Man pokes fun with a sleeping Anaconda

In the movies, Anacondas are feared and known to be aggressive and can eat a human being whole. Is is the same on the real world?

The very first thing you do when you see a snake or specially an Anaconda in a wild, you panic and run, but this intellectual man did something he'll never forget in his life!

Screenshot from the video
Screenshot from the video

In this video, a man saw a sleeping Anaconda on the water, what he did was poked the Anaconda and the huge snake comes leaping from the river bed with its jaws wide open ready to bite.

The snake was relaxing under the water before the incident.
The snake was relaxing under the water before the incident.

Good thing the Anaconda was not in the mood to eat the genius man.

The man started to move the twigs beside the Anaconda.
The man started to move the twigs beside the Anaconda.

Thank God he's safe. Lesson learned never poke a sleeping Anaconda!

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