Boy suffers from fragile skin, any minor scratch produces wounds

Can you live for 14 years in constant pain that even eating hurts so much? But this brave little boy refused to give up even if it meant to suffer every single minute of his life.

Jonathan Pitre was born with a rare medical condition that affects the skin called Epidermolysis Bullosa.

Jonathan wrapped like a mummy because of his medical condition
Jonathan wrapped like a mummy because of his medical condition

It is not only the rarest condition ever, it is also one of the most painful. Especially because the skin has a lot of nerve endings.

After taking a bath, her Mom replaces the gauges on his skin.
After taking a bath, her Mom replaces the gauges on his skin.

To a boy whose lifelong dream is to become an athlete, having a fragile skin that breaks even with the slightest trauma is surely a nightmare.

 A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video.

However, Jonathan has courage and determination. He would never hope the pain on others. He tries to live as best as he could even if it means living in a world of dreams he could never achieve in reality.

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