"Akin Ka Na Lang" (Japanese Version Lyrics) by Aisaku Yokogawa
僕のものになって (Boku No Mono Ni Natte)
soitsu no iyukoto wo (そいつの言う事を)
shinjicha ikenaiyo (信じちゃいけないよ)
kimi wo aishiteru? (君を愛してる?)
nante uso ni kimatteru (なんてウソに決まってる)
douse suterare chauyo (どうせすてられちゃうよ)
soitsu niwa (そいつには)
kazoe kirenu hodo (数えきれぬ程)
kanojo ga irundakara (彼女がいるんだから)
furi muiteyo (振り向いてよ)
kocchi oideyo (こっちおいでよ〜)
(kocchi oide) (こっちおいで〜)
kimi no koto daijini surukara (君のこと大事にするから)
boku no mono ni natte (僕のものになって)
(oh! please be mine)
sekai ichi aishiteru (世界一愛してる)
wag kang maniwala d'yan (フワグ カン マニワラ ジャン)
'di ka n'ya mahal talaga (ディ カニャ マハル タラガ)
sayang lang ang buhay mo (サヤン ランアン ブハイモ)
kung mapupunta ka lang sa kanya (クン マププンタ カラン サカンニャ)
iiwanan ka lang n'yan (イイワナン カランニャ)
mag-ingat ka (マグ インガット カ)
dagdag ka lamang (ダグダグ カ ラマン)
sa milyun-milyong babae n'ya (サ ミリョンミリョン ババエ ニャ)
akin ka na lang (アキン カ ナラン)
akin ka nalang (アキン カ ナラン)
(akin ka na lang) (アキン カ ナラン)
iingatan ko ang puso mo (イ インガタン コ アン プソモ)
akin ka na lang (アキン カ ナラン)
(akin ka na lang) (アキン カ ナラン)
wala nang hihigit pa sa 'yo (ワラ ナン ヒヒギッパサヨ)
soitsu no (そいつの)
waruguchi wo iitai wake janai (悪口を言いたい訳じゃない)
nanda kanda iyunowane (ナンダカンダ言うのはね)
kimi ga shinpai dakara sa (君が心配だからさ〜)
furi muiteyo (振り向いてよ)
kocchi oideyo (こっちおいでよ〜)
(kocchi oide) (こっちおいで〜)
kimi no koto daijini surukara (君のこと大事にするから)
boku no mono ni natte (僕のものになって)
(oh! please be mine)
sekai ichi aishiteru (世界一愛してる)
kocchi oideyo (こっちおいでよ〜)
(akin ka nalang) (アキン カ ナラン)
kimi no koto daijini surukara (君のこと大事にするから)
boku no mono ni natte (僕のものになって)
(oh! please be mine)
sekai ichi 'mahal kita' (世界一「マハル・キタ」)
(kocchi oide) (こっちおいで〜)
sekai ichi 'mahal kita' (世界一「マハル・キタ」)
Japanese version of "Akin Ka Na Lang" sounds like an anime theme song
Japanese singer Aisaku Yokogawa did another amazing version of Filipino Song featuring Mr. Kuya Omurice.Kuya Omurice recently became popular because of his good looks and good heart for helping other people. Branded Kuya Omurice because he sells Omurice on the street and uses the money that he earned to help other people and not for his personal use.
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A screenshot from the video. |
Aisaku's remake of "Akin Ka Na Lang" was originally popularized by Itchyworms.
The video has a combination of Japanese humor and Filipino touch.
The almost 4 minute music video shows a love triangle story which all started when a couple entered a cafe restaurant and Kuya Omurice was instantly attracted to the girl which unfortunately already has a boyfriend.
The girl expresses her affection to her boyfriend while the latter doesn't seem interested to the girl. Their relationship continue to be rocky until the guy decided to leave the girl
Of course, the girl was devastated with what happened. Mean while Mr. Omurice witnessed everything and came to the rescue.
I will let you find out what happened next between the girl and Mr. Omurice. A feel good video that will make you fall in love again and again plus the cute and charming smile of Aisaku and Kuya Omurice is something you must see for yourself.
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